Sunday 21 October 2007

Let me go home…

“Another autumn day has come and gone away”
In case of overdose consult your cliche-doctor.
Sun with teeth. Corn and cabbage and carrots.
Wood clippings. Blades. Clouds.
Cold clothes dry slowly now.
I ate a walnut and thought of you.

It must be the time.
The age of wanting a home of one’s own.

Momentarily I feel heavy of decisions to be made.
Trece timpul. Zboara mintea. Trece timpul.
My mantra for the slow hours.
Constancy. Change. Constancy. Choice.
Take your pick. Autumn sale is on.
Hurry, hurry, for you might miss the deal.
Calm down your life is in your hands.

Is it? Alternative scenarios told daily.
Let us presume that
Tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possible.
Imi linisteste sufletul idea aceasta pana dimineata.
Adorm mai bine cu tine in gind.

I prepare the awkward homecoming dance.
M-intorc singura.

P.S. For fellow postgrads, compulsory reading here.


Aaron Manton said...

Sometimes it ain't home anymore....

Anonymous said...

Huiiiiiiii, de Muppili deen iwer den Hiwwel kuckt an de Photoapparat ran! An d'Katy wat heemkënnt an eng Sprooch weider geléiert huet!